A Church for

Everyday People


There’s always room around our table for new friends interested in the conversation and adventure of following Jesus! We’re a church in Belleville Ontario, made up of everyday people who are attempting to learn exactly what following Jesus truly means. Some of us are ‘all in’ and some are still deciding. We confess that we don’t have it all figured out, but we believe that we discover Jesus best together - in community and relationship.

Come Sit With Us

We Gather on Sundays, 10am at Venue 1906

34 Victoria Ave, Belleville Ontario Canada.

Who We Are

As a community we are striving to create a culture that enables us to follow Jesus’ life and teachings. This culture is articulated via the following statements….

Two Expressions

We understand that people learn, process and grow differently and one expression of church simply doesn’t work for everyone. So, we offer a Sunday gathering and a midweek dinner expression.

Current Series: Money

We’ll discuss an overview of God’s economy and how much it contrasts our own.