
Welcome To REUNION

We are glad that you are here. We hope that you feel save, welcomed and relaxed. We are going to read the Bible, pray, sing a few songs and listen to a short Lead In. We might even have discussions

But.. you’re invited to participate as much as you want.

No expects you to speak or share. We do invite you to remain present. We believe that remaining present - even in our minds - is an act of love.


Vision: in the next five year your parish council discerned that God is inviting us become the following statement:

REUNION is a radically inclusive community learning to be with Jesus, become like Jesus so we will love like Jesus.

What does this mean:

  • Radical- continue to capture our ancestral roots of prioritizing the life, teaching and practice of Jesus. In doing so also create space for questions that challenge the status quo and invite us into honest reflection and intention engagement.

  • Inclusive: by refusing to exclude anyone from our lives or community, even those with whom we disagree. Jesus was radically inclusive welcoming a broad scope of people as they were (tax collectors, zealots, sons of thunder, women, the sick etc) The NT church continued practicing radical inclusion - Ethiopian Eunuch.

  • Learning: We understand learning includes intentional knowing and doing.

  • Be With Jesus: The life of an apprentice is spent in the presence of their master. Jesus created space and his students engaged this space consistently. They were given permission to ask questions and wrestle through implications.

    • we average 40% attendance week to week. Is this enough space together?

    • We are going to focus our teaching around practices twice a year that will help us “be with Jesus.” - Rule of Life for example.

  • Become Like Jesus: we become like our friends. Apprentices become like their teacher. By being with Jesus we will develop a heart like Christ (fruit of the spirit)

    • We will focus on doctrines like sanctification and holiness as tools

    • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

    • Family of Origin - past hurts/harms & generational ties.

  • Love like Jesus: The goal is love! Love engages a hurting world. Love is outward engagement in our church, community, city and county.


  • What is a first moment in your life that brings you joy?

  • In the next five years our Parish Council believes we’re called to becoming a Radically Inclusive Community Learning to Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus so we can Love like Jesus.

    • what do you wonder, think or know?

    • please note next week we’re going to specifically deal with the HOW - Mission steps to get us there.




Forward 3: Good Plan?