All Things New: Judgement
Welcome To REUNION
We are so excited you are here. We hope that you feel save, welcomed and relaxed. We are going to read the Bible, pray, sing a few songs and listen to a short Lead In. We might even have discussions
But.. you’re invited to participate as much as you want.
No expects you to speak or share. We do invite you to remain present. We believe that remaining present - even in our minds - is an act of love.
Today we are talking about Jesus words found in Matthew 7:1-5: Do not judge.
Discussions Questions:
Talk about a time when your first impression of someone was way off. How did getting to know them change your perspective?
Read Matthew 7:1–5. What is one group of people you tend judge? Why is it so tempting for you to judge them?
Wesley said that at least two reasons we judge others is because we are jealous and or self righteous. How do you react to these two causes and what else what you add?
Jesus doesn’t tell us to NEVER Judge, but to judge from a place of self reflection and personal desire (like you’d want to be judged)
Have you ever been held accountable by a parent or friend before and how was that experience?
Wesley talked about “fly by accountability” being judgement from a distance. How is this unlike Jesus and what does the opposite look like.
How do you want to be judged?
What would it take for your circle of friends to press into accountability?