All Things New: Worry
Discussion Questions:
What is one thing that when it was over wasn’t nearly as bad as when it started?
Read Matthew 6:27. We all know from experience that what Jesus says is true, so why is worry such a problem for so many people?
Wesley said that Jesus first step in getting out of worry is grabbing a hold of some perspective. How is taking a step back to view the whole situation helpful or is it?
The second step to a worry free life is preparation. Jesus says “the birds do not sow or reap,” but we can. How does preparing for the common maybe put you in a better place to respond to the unknown?
Jesus asks a really important question: is your life not more than this?
How do you respond to this statement from Jesus
Worry consumes our lives because it make the “issue our lives.” How do you respond to this idea?
What are some things in your life you’re really thankful for right now?
Jesus then says that when life happens we can relax because God has things under control.
How do you respond to this idea that God cares and values you?
Under control implies we trust God is can control or is in control.
what areas of your life do you trust God with?
Are there any you do not?
what might it look like to “give God” some power in that area of your life this week?
Finally: Worry is our go to because we often believe we have no one else to turn to.
Is this statement true for you?
Jesus says “chase after me” in times of worry because I am here too.
Wesley challenges us to pray the Lord’s prayer each morning. How does prayer draw into the reality of God’s presence, or does it?
How might prayer impact our worry filled mind?
Next Step: what are you going to do this week in response to Jesus’ teaching on worry?